Why is PAQQ important for Indian Parents?

PAQQ is an initiative started by Littleroyals.in to help provide the best for your little one always. PAQQ stands for Parents asking questions about quality. We as parents are responsible for the safety, education, health and social upbringing of our children. Since our government has its hands full, it is on us to take the initiative and educate ourselves on the best practices of disease prevention and habits so as to make the world safer for your child.

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In order to ask questions about quality, we must educate ourselves on the impact that various chemicals have on our children. We need to sit up and take notice of what our kids are eating, wearing and what we are buying for them. Whether or not these products meet the quality standards which are of utmost importance for a healthy childhood. In doing so, we will force better products to be supplied, and ensure our little ones are protected from potentially serious health issues as they grow in life. shoes for little boys

At, Littleroyals.in we want to empower parents with the knowledge to make best decisions for their little ones, regardless of whether they were able to find a product on our website or not. We are therefore committed to actively sharing knowledge so as to allow parents to make more informed decision to benefit their little ones. We strive to constantly share good habits and knowledge to help you make more informed decisions size guide shoes kids.

Our belief is that if more parents educate themselves by understanding chemicals that are harmful, and better understand the products they purchase for their child, more companies will shift their focus to supply to this demand and in doing so which will help bring down the cost of the more qualitative products in the market. As more and more suppliers focus on the same parameters, these products will become available to more Indians at more affordable price points compared to the boutique supply we have currently More info of baby products india.

For those who share our vision , we ask you to pledge and share the knowledge so that we commit ourselves to creating a better world for our little ones.